Montana features a very Powerful Theme Options Panel
Included in this Panel are options to customize just any part of your website. It allows you to style almost any element of the site to your liking by changing colors or select any of the 500+ beautiful Google fonts for your Headings and Body text. You can also change background colors or upload pictures to use as background patterns or background images for some elements on your website. The side of some elements can also be set with options from this Panel.
Users can design their shops in any style and make their Aloma e-commerce stores look completely different even when they are built from the same basic WordPress theme.
Some advanced features that you don’t want to use can also be turned on or off with this Theme Options Panel. Layouts for Archives as well as Excerpt Length for your Blog posts are also turned into easily customized options for you to control on this single advanced panel. It also grant you the control on which element from the Archive Meta Information you want to show your visitors.
Montana's Powerful Theme Options